Photography in the Time of CoViD-19.

While I’m not terribly worried about my health, I am worried about being asymptomatic or having a mild case and passing it on to someone who is at risk and it killing them. Like my dad. Or your dad. Or Betty White.

So until further notice, if you want my services, here are the rules…..

  • No cancellation fees. I get it: things are very fluid. I’ve had one home on the calendar twice already and twice the seller has changed their mind the day of the scheduled photo-shoot because they were worried about having someone in their home.
  • No one is at the property except me. No one. Not the sellers, not the tenants, not the real estate agent. No one. Zero. Not the cleaners who’re almost done, not the painters who promise to stay out of the way, not the stager who just has a few adjustments to make, not the inspector, the landscaper, the butcher, the baker, or the candlestick maker. I’ll enter when the property is empty.
  • You prep the property and leave. If you want the blinds up, open the blinds. If you don’t like the way the pillows look in a shot I deliver, it’s because you left them that way. Don’t like the garbage can at the end of the kitchen island? Put it in the pantry or the garage.
  • If you’re going to be there, wear a mask. I will be.
  • Fans off. Lights on. If I can’t change something with a set of chopsticks, I won’t.
  • Cleaning wipes and hand-sanitizer should be provided. I’ll wipe down anything I touch, which really shouldn’t be much because…well…see above.
  • I will not accept toilet paper as payment. This may change.

I’m also doing quick “slideshow” type videos from the photos I provide. I’m doing this for free for the time being. Below are some samples: