
Completely unrelated to photography except that I was also shooting pictures that day…..  Just a funny story.

When my daughter played water polo I’d do whatever I could to volunteer.  Work the snack bar, take pictures, etc.  One day working the snack bar during a tournament our propane tank was running low and I knew I’d need it for lunch of burgers and hot dogs.  A couple of the boys who played water polo were also volunteering to help at the snack bar — mainly because it got them out of class, I’m sure — and they decided that three of them needed to go.

So I gave them two twenties and told them to take the tank down to Safeway and exchange the tank, get a receipt, etc.  This was like 9am.  Safeway was about 2 miles away.

Around 10:20 they came back in with a full propane tank for the grill.

When I asked why it took almost 90 minutes for a 10 minute errand, I was told how they thought Safeway was closed, so they went to the gas station 3 miles away from that, but it didn’t have propane.  So then they went to a tire place.  No propane.  Then they went to another grocery store (passing Safeway again) and discovered they didn’t have a tank exchange.  Eventually they did wind up back and Safeway and exchange the tank.

You might think they were just messing with me, but the story was told so convincingly and with interruptions and corrections that I knew it was true.

So…3 teenage boys together have a lower combined IQ than any one of them individually.